Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Teaser #1

This morning Fornite released their first official teaser for Chapter 2 Season 6 on all of their social media and their official YouTube channel. Watching this, and more importantly hearing Jonesy’s dialogue, has me COMPLETELY pumped for the new season. I’m always excited for the enew season, but this elevated it exceedingly. If you haven’t seen/heard it yet, check it out below.

Let’s take a look at what Jonesy says exactly:

Reality log…does it even matter? What’s the point of recording these logs if you’re not going to listen? We’ve lost control of the Zero Point, do you get what that means? You must not because you’re doing nothing. I’ve dedicated my life to the Order. I’ve given everything. And for what? To just sit back and watch Reality end? That’s not who we are. At least it’s not who I am. Not anymore.

Honestly, I can’t say that I have enough knowledge of the Fortnite storyline to really disect what this means. BUT, we do have confirmation regarding “the Order.” From Chapter 2 Season 5, we have had to deal with these IO Guards, but they never said what IO stood for. Then somewhere I started hearing the “Imagined Order.” I don’t know if that was disected from the files somewhere, or if there was an official reference to it that I didn’t catch. But, Jonesy clearly refers to the Order, and so it seems the Imagined Order is sensible.

What has ME so excited is that it seems that Jonesy, or at least THIS Jonesy, is fed up. He has been working with/for/in support of the Order all along, but now he sees that their control is wrecking things and he ain’t going out like that. What does this mean for the transition from Season 5 to Season 6? Fortnite has also posted that the “Zero Crisis Event” will be a solo experience and we’ll each get to play through it upon loading up Season 6 for the first time. Additionally, they said you can watch the global premiere ahead of time, though they haven’t yet said exactly when that will be. Certainly it will be sometime overnight between Monday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 16 (U.S. time), since that’s when they always perform maintenance to patch for an update or for a new season.

I’ll leave you with the latest mini-teaser that Fortnite just recently tweeted. One verified user, @neymarjr quote-tweeted Fortnite’s teaser with just some eyes. Fortnite then quote-tweeted his tweet with a simple, indecipherable mini-teaser you see below.

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