New Website

As soon as I decided to start streaming (in July 2019), I knew I needed to make sure my presence was identifiable across the major social media services as well as with my own website. I knew I wasn’t much of a designer, so I decided to start the website out as a basic placeholder, enabling the site to show my Twitch stream (as an embed) and links to my socials. Essentially, it was a custom linktree available at my custom domain.

While this worked fine for quite some time, as I’ve paid more attention to what my search results on Google looked like, I wanted a greater, more identifiable presence. You cannot really do much with a simple placeholder, so I decided I wanted to expand upon it with a blog and provide greater access to my YouTube videos. That’s what’s driven this redesign.

Blog Posts

The blog posts will serve as an expression of my running thoughts on growing as a content creator, discussing my short-term and long-term goals, and of course my thoughts on Fortnite. I even plan to go back and write historical posts, reflecting on previous times of Fortnite as though I had written those blog posts at that time. That should be quite the experience!


All of the videos will be embeds/links to my YouTube channel, as it doesn’t make sense to host the same content in two different places, plus YouTube is much better at serving video content than I ever could be. However, I think I’ll be able to add some more detail that YouTube doesn’t quite intend. We’ll have to see how that goes though!

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