The Recycler Two-Handed Heavy Weapon

Fortnite just enabled a new weapon in the game called The Recycler. This weapon doesn’t use any of the traditional ammo in the game, and instead, you must ‘vacuum’ with it to destroy items, builds, materials in the game to manufacture ammo. It comes in a Rare, Epic and Legendary varieties with the only obvious different being damage dealt to players. In the Rare variety, it will do 75 damage, and in Legendary it will do 8 more for 83 damage.

Using the weapon on builds doesn’t appear to be very effective. It also will shoot quite far (with limited aiming indication), but it’s unclear how close to the enemy it must hit to deal damage.

It is quite easy to find the weapon in-game, so you don’t have to locate it in any particular location or from a certain kind of chest. However, it’s usefulness is not yet obvious. Why would you choose to carry it instead of carrying another weapon, or sacrifing a heal? It’s kind of a gimmick and may be ‘cute’ to use, but it seems unlikely to gain a dedicated spot in your loadout.

If you want to see Fortnite’s short announcement video, you can find it here:

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