Palia Looks Amazing and I Want to Play It So Bad

Okay, let me start out by saying that my absolute FAVORITE GAME OF ALL TIME is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I’ve always loved the Zelda franchise, but the look and feel of BOTW made it easily take the top spot so much so that I’ve refused to “beat” the game by fighting Ganon. I don’t want to feel like I’ve completed it, even though I got it on release day and have played it for hundreds of hours. I just want to keep playing it and playing it. I don’t know if I’ll ever choose to beat it. Well, maybe I’ll feel different when the sequel comes out, but until then…

However, this post isn’t about Zelda, it’s about Palia! Palia is an upcoming community simulation MMO that is preparing to invite players in this Summer during their “pre-alpha” phase. While I am a fanatical Fortnite player, Palia instantly drew my attention because of how it instantly reminded me of BOTW. Like I said, I love BOTW, especially the open world aspect, and that’s exactly what Palia is. In fact, Palia isn’t even focused on battle, but on growing community. There’s not a great deal of information out about it yet, other than the first official trailer (below) and their sign-up page.

So what will we do in Palia? The storyline starts out as though we’ve woken up unexpectedly in an unfamiliar, but oh-so-breathtaking land. Apparently we can go it alone and play out the game, or we can band together with friends (or meet new friends!) and only play out the parts that we are interested in (while our friends might do other parts and somehow we still get credit, or value from that). We’ll be able to romance some of the NPCs and there will be elements like mining and fishing. We can join “neighborhoods” (aka guilds) and we can build our home with more than a thousand unique elements/parts/accessories. I didn’t see any information about when we might see another trailer, but so far there’s so much I want to know! But even if there isn’t another trailer, hopefully, HOPEFULLY!, I’ll get chosen for the pre-alpha phase and I’ll get to play it as soon as humanly possible. It looks like I’ve done everything to help my chances (which is just signing up at the website, and completing a survey).

BUT, in case someone from Singularity 6 happens to stumble across this post, I promise to you that if I’m chosen as part of the pre-alpha, I will do a 24-hour stream to explore it as much as humanly possible! So, hey, pass the Best Beard on Twitch (that’s me, FuScOnEd!) the secret key to get in, and I’ll be all over it like blue on what I assume is an elk!

Screenshot from Palia
Screenshot from Palia
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