New Rebirth Harley Quinn Solo Gameplay Win

Rocking the new Rebirth Harley Quinn skin, I wanted to flex it in a match, hoping people might be distracted by it being a brand new, somewhat exclusive release. As always, I dropped Boney Burbs, but there wasn’t too much competition this time around. Making my way North to the slurp truck, I easily cleared out an annoying Lexa skin, and because zone was forcing me South, I started to rotate only to catch a guy in a car. He was no trouble and I rotated all the way down to Misty Meadows without any issue. Once there, it was already endgame with just the last 6 of us remaining. I catch one hiding in a kitchen, and then played a perfect 3rd-party on one that landed and tried to box up near me. Another player falls somewhere near me, and it’s just a 1v1 situation. I have no idea where the last person is, so I build up on out with some protection. Finally, my last opponent starts shooting at me and I’m easily able to finish it out with a nice bow headshot to secure the Victory Royale.

If you’re looking to get the Rebirth Harley Quinn skin, you just need to pickup Issue #1 of this DC/Fortnite series at your local comic book shop, or you can subscribe to DC Universe Infinite. It’s $7.99/month, and if you skip the trial, you’ll get the redemption code in your email pretty quickly after you sign up.